About Us
HELLOhappy is all about adorable crochet! Whether you are a crocheter or just appreciate the art, we're here to make your life cuter.

Hi, my name is Lisa.
I’m the crochet pattern designer and owner of HELLOhappy. It's a one woman show over here! I said "we're" up above, but that was a lie. Hah!
HELLOhappy was born in 2008 as an Etsy shop and it’s been slowly growing ever since! I was only 19 when my dreams of owning my own business finally came to fruition. Many years (and a recession) passed and the various arts and crafts I was hawking never really got me anywhere. I finally honed in on crochet and decided to try writing patterns, and sold my very first one in December 2013. Ever since then I’ve been dedicated to making adorable crochet patterns!