
Crochet Class: How to Use Canva to Create a Cro...
Exciting news, I'm teaching a live class for the Crochet Guild of America this fall! I'll spend two hours teaching you how to turn your hand scribbled crochet pattern into...
Crochet Class: How to Use Canva to Create a Cro...
Exciting news, I'm teaching a live class for the Crochet Guild of America this fall! I'll spend two hours teaching you how to turn your hand scribbled crochet pattern into...

Free Book Log Canva Template
If you wanna skip past my little life story, the canva template link is right here! I was a prolific bookworm as a child. I read and read and...
Free Book Log Canva Template
If you wanna skip past my little life story, the canva template link is right here! I was a prolific bookworm as a child. I read and read and...