If you're just tuning in, we're making a sweater! Click on the "Moss Sweater" tag at the bottom of the post to see the previous/next parts!
Now that you've got your stitch count, you're ready to start crocheting your sweater!
The front and back panels will be the same, except for the top rows when you start defining the neckline. However, you CAN absolutely make them both the same. I made the front of mine come down a little further, but plenty of cozy sweaters have no difference in the neck between the front and back.
So once again...totally customizable!
Start your front panel
This is gonna be a copy and paste of your swatch from before, but you'll now use the stitch count you calculated for the width. Please note you'll be working from the bottom up, so your chain row is the bottom of your sweater.
You'll be able to use the starting tail to sew up the sides of the sweater panels, so if you'd like to leave a super long tail for that, like a few feet, you certainly can. Otherwise you can just cut yarn later to sew with, so don't feel like you have to have this super long tail in your way, being an annoying little thing. That said, a tail of 6 inches is good to do a few stitches with to start, so leave a short tail at least.
Grab your yarn and hook, and chain [the number you calculated-make sure it's an odd number, then do 1 more ch to turn]
R1: turn. sc into the second ch from hook, ch 1 and skip the next ch. Repeat *sc, ch 1 skip* until you've got 1 stitch left, then sc into it.
R2: ch 1, turn. sc into the first stitch, and into the next ch space. Repeat *ch 1, sc into the next ch space* until the last st, then sc into it.
R3: ch 1, turn. sc into the first stitch. Repeat *ch 1, sc into the next ch space* the entire row
Repeat R2 and R3 until...it seems long enough, then you'll start on the neck. Once again, here's a chart for you visual people!
Let's figure out where that might be!
When to start on the neck
Think about how tall you want the ribbing to be, then lay your panel on your body. Place the bottom of the panel where you want your sweater to hit on your torso or hips, then move it up slightly to make up for the lack ribbing.
Personally I decided to start my neck just below my collarbone. Remember, you'll have ribbing THERE, too, so remember it'll be taller later.
How to shape the neck
So what I did was I crocheted to the middle of the row, turned, skipped the first stitch, then continued normally with the moss stitch repeats. Every time I got back to the middle and turned, I'd skip a stitch again, and it naturally decreased each row. On the last few rows I stopped decreasing, for the shoulder. I'll get more specific in a bit.
Here's some photos!

The other side of the neck
The back panel

A tip on running out of yarn
My sweater pattern
Tags: Crochet, crochet pattern, freebies, Moss Sweater, Sweater Tutorial, tutorial