My poncho sweater has gotten a lot of attention, including messages from a few people asking HOW I modified the poncho into a sweater. It’s really easy!
So how do you go from this:
To this?

I made a sketch to help explain!

You want the length of the poncho to fall to your mid forearms, firstly. All you have to do is figure out the width of your sweater arm, and mark off where you want them to be using stitch markers or contrasting yarn. When you come to your first stitch marker, combine the front and back of the poncho together, treating the 2 stitches as 1, leaving what will be an arm hole. Do the same for your 2nd stitch marker. Now you’ve got a middle piece and 2 side pieces.
Make the middle as long as you’d like, then each arm will be crocheted separately after that. Still in the round, doing the same pattern as you did on the rest of the poncho. I did a fpdc on the bottom of the sleeves for a faux rib look.
Hopefully that rough explanation is good enough, I’m not really sure how else to describe it ^^
Tags: tutorial