♫ It’s the mooooost wonderful tiiiiime of the yeeeeear…
♫ With the yarn overflowing
♫ And everyone driving you
♫ Crazy becaaaaauuuuse
♫ You haaaaaave to make giiiiiifts for them aaaaaaaalllll

Okay but for real, y’all, it’s already mid-October. I hope you haven’t had a repeat of last year where you still haven’t started making your Christmas gifts…
Hah, who are we kidding? Of course you’re waiting until the last minute! But that’s not the purpose of this post. The purpose is to show off my fancy product tags I’ve been making for you guys! They’re perfect for gift giving, or for attaching to items for sale at holiday markets!
I’ve got …



And also...

Plus a bunch more! You can see all of them in my section in my Etsy shop! So far the scrunchie one seems to be the most popular. Scrunchies. In 2019. What a time. I can’t believe I’m old enough to see trends from my childhood repeat…
Tags: New Product, Printables